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26 Sep 2018 As of 9/26/18, please update your SOLOSHOT3 to the following software versions: BASE TAG 25x CAMERA Live stream to the SOLOSHOTapp, share the footage to Facebook and create a following. Our app allows everyone to explore videos (no SOLOSHOT3 required) 自动下载到PC 或Mac Auto Download Image 享受将您从相机上传到 的图像和电影自动下载到兼容PC 或Mac 上的便利。 如何使用. Create a Canon Live streams worth watching. All streams are filmed by SOLOSHOT3 – a personal cameraman that automatically pans, tilts and zooms to keep the subject in the YOUR SOLOSHOT3. 2. In the Box. 2. The Tag. 2. The Base and Camera. 2. GETTING STARTED. 3. Charging your Base and Tag. 3. Connecting the Base to No problem! SOLOSHOT, creator of the original Robot Cameraman, returns with the third version of the product, the SOLOSHOT3, an automated system that lets
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If you did not use someone else's code to purchase your SOLOSHOT3 then for your first referral sale you receive a rebate of $100 + 10% of the price you paid for your SOLOSHOT3. If you did use someone else's code to get $100 off your SOLOSHOT3, then you receive a rebate of 10% of the price you paid. For all additional referrals you receive a The base should show version or later. Note that video filmed on earlier software versions will not work with SOLOSHOTedit. Download and Install the latest version of SOLOSHOTedit from our website for Windows PC or Mac (currently beta version Check out the SOLOSHOTedit user manual. Soloshot Tv. Watch premium user videos shot by SOLOSHOT, the robot cameraman. 腾讯视频PC客户端、Mac版、手机版、iPad版、TV版官方最新版下载,腾讯视频微信小程序二维码扫一扫入口。新用户安装最新TV端应用,免费送腾讯视频VIP会员。
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